The Attention Test

Inspired by an article seen on “” VIA “Skoda UK” From a Skoda advertisement, “The attention test” – It has been said that many possess a short attention span. Do you? Check it out!
Inspired by an article seen on “” VIA “Skoda UK” From a Skoda advertisement, “The attention test” – It has been said that many possess a short attention span. Do you? Check it out!
VIA “” Forest dragon lizards aren’t exactly a rarity in Yogyakarta, Indonesia — but ones that play leaf guitar definitely are. Adtiya Permana, a professional photographer, insists that he didn’t manipulate the photo of the little green creature. He said: “I did not directly photograph the lizard at first, until the lizards feel comfortable around […]
VIA “” 1. How the Big Bird costume works! Via 2. How your favourite ice-cream cone is manufactured. Via 3. How bean stalks plants grow Via 4. How your Wi-Fi signal is actually distributed throughout your home image: Via 5. What protection sunscreen actaully […]
VIA “danm923” youtube channel
VIA “” by Renee Kirsten Nature has some amazingly beautiful places and events that you have to check out. From blue lava to endless waves these are the 25 craziest things found in nature. 25. Living Rocks, Chile. 24. Lenticular Clouds, Mountainous Areas. 23. Red Crab Migration, Christmas Island 22. Underwater Crop Circles, Japan 21. […]
VIA “” Vadim Trunov is a photographer who isn’t afraid to try something new. We have no idea how he managed to set these little guys up to look like they’re taking pictures of each other, but the result is absolutely adorable. This is probably the cutest squirrel photo session ever captured. You can find […]
VIA “” The street view on Google Maps is a great feature, especially for checking out places you’ve never been before. Sometimes though, Google inadvertently captures some candid, hilarious, and/or beautiful pictures of the spots they’re mapping. Just imagine checking out a new place on street view and seeing one of these 31 pictures. Wait […]
VIA “” Wildlife photographer Henry Mp must be really good at timing. Or maybe he’s just luckier than most of us. During his stay in Indonesia, Mp spotted a Reinwardt’s Flying Frog on the back of a giant horned wood-boring beetle. And much to his surprise, the scene that unfolded before him looked unbelievably awesome. […]
VIA “theweatherchannel” youtube channel 25 year Weather Channel warrior Jim Cantore expressing his innumerable passion for his job. Ya gotta love it!
VIA “califaces” youutube channel Pretty amusing to say the least! Despite the silly costumes, at heart these guys are out actively making a positive difference. Which we love! The world needs more of these active and fantastical costume adorned folks!