
This Impressive Tower Creates Water From Air

This Impressive Tower Creates Water From Air

“” by Jordan There are a flurry of amazing inventions coming into the fold lately, hoverbikes being among one of them.. but today I want to tell you about this really cool device that is making an impact in Ethiopia, and hopefully will soon make its way overseas to North America and the rest of […]

Obama Cites Health Plan Tally of 11.4 Million

Obama Cites Health Plan Tally of 11.4 Million

VIA “” by Robert Pear WASHINGTON — President Obama said Tuesday that 11.4 million people had selected private health insurance plans or renewed their coverage under the Affordable Care Act in the enrollment period that ended Sunday. “It gives you some sense of how hungry people were out there for affordable, accessible health insurance,” Mr. […]

Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow

Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow

VIA “” by Joe Martino We live in a society where we are very used to doing something we don’t enjoy for long periods of our life so we can put food on our tables, partially see the world, have material objects etc. and so forth. According to a recent Gallup Survey, 70% of employed […]

A Recipe For Fat Flush Water

A Recipe For Fat Flush Water

VIA “” by Alanna Ketler You may have heard some of the hype about “Fat Flush Water.” But how exactly does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic diet supplement. Your body needs enough water everyday to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials. Fat deposits […]