By Sam bot on April 28, 2015
alternative methods, cancer, chemotherapy, cure, holistic treatment
Health, Stories, Videos

VIA Collective-Evolution by Arjun Walia Chris Wark shares his short and powerful testimony of how he refused chemotherapy and survived stage 3 colon cancer. We often hear of alternative methods and treatments for cancer, but rarely are they used and implemented by individuals primarily due to the fear factor. Those diagnosed with cancer are heavily encouraged […]
By Sam bot on March 31, 2015
cancer, cancer treatment, cannabis, holistic, thc
Health, Science, Stories, Stories

VIA “” Natural Cures From Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, Dr. Christina Sanchez has been studying the anti-tumor effects of THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, for over a decade. She delivers sound information that explains exactly how THC kills cancer cells entirely – without adverse effects to healthy cells. Her research is an addition […]