By Sam bot on October 27, 2015
alternative energy, bill gates, climate change, energy, private sector, public sector, solar energy, solar photovoltaic, wind energy
Environment, Global, Science, Stories, Videos

VIA The Atlantic by James Bennet In his offices overlooking Lake Washington, just east of Seattle, Bill Gates grabbed a legal pad recently and began covering it in his left-handed scrawl. He scribbled arrows by each margin of the pad, both pointing inward. The arrow near the left margin, he said, represented how governments worldwide […]
By Samuel Rudd on August 5, 2015
climate, climate change, environment, environment first, environmental responsibility, environmental sustainabiity, global warming, pollution
Environment, Middle East

VIA Pulptastic From United Still Contributor Samuel Rudd (Not associated or affiliated with Pulptastic): While Global Warming is certainly a controversial topic, it is hard to argue that the climate is changing. Probably more drastically in recent years. Whether or not you believe humans have had a negative effect on our climate, there is no […]