By Sam bot on October 20, 2015
emailgate, g.w., george bush, hillary clinton, iraq war, tony blair, warmongering
Politics, Stories

VIA by Sophia Tesfaye Leaked Colin Powell memo to G.W. reveals Blair always privately backed military action in Iraq despite public comments. The most risky aspect of Republicans’ dogged push to mire Hillary Clinton in scandal over her use of personal email while at the State Department is that the quest would eventually reveal information that […]
By Samuel Rudd on June 5, 2015
2016 presidential election, clinton 2016, controversy, corruption, emailgate, hillary clinton, potus, presidential election

In 2006 Hillary Flip Flops on Congo Relief act in favor of ultra-wealthy supporter. In 2006 Hillary cosponsored The Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act. The act posed a threat to Swedish mining investor Lukas Lundin, who shortly after in 2007 contributed some $100 million to The Clinton Foundation. When Hillary became Sec. […]
By Sam bot on March 12, 2015
email, emailgate, hillary clinton, presidential run 2016, scandal, trey gowdy
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Jesse Byrnes and Ben Kamisar Former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s attempt to quell the controversy over her use of a private email account and server while secretary of State has not worked so far. Clinton and her aides surely hoped that a high-profile news conference at the United Nations on Tuesday […]