By Sam bot on December 22, 2015
insight, ISIS, jihad, middle east, terrorism, violence, war

Nicolas Henin: The man who was held captive by Isis for 10 months says how they can be defeated ‘The winner of this war will not be the party that has the newest, the most expensive or the most sophisticated weaponry, but the party that manages to win over people’ VIA Independent UK by Adam […]
By Sam bot on November 4, 2015
crony capitalism, economy, imperialism, military industrial complex, violence, war, world banking
Economy, Videos

VIA The Mind Unleashed by Sophie McAdam, This excellent short film from activist Wesley PP Hall does a fantastic job of simplifying concepts that our leaders and mainstream media would prefer us to dismiss as confusing or complex. The voiceover is provided by John Perkins, who wrote the book ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, a shocking expose of international corruption. The […]
By Sam bot on April 12, 2015
afghanistan, casualties, civilian casualties, iraq, violence, war

Pictured above: The 30mm ammunition used by the Apache helicopter in the video, an attack helicopter commonly used in modern war. VIA Collective-Evolution by Arjun Walia Below is a very disturbing and well-known Wikileaks video exposing what happened (and is still happening) in the Middle East on a daily basis. It’s called “Collateral Murder,” and the […]
By Sam bot on April 8, 2015
awareness, children, destruction, innocent, syria, violence, war
Middle East, Videos

VIA “Karter Zaher” Facebook page The world as a whole has not seen peace for about 5,000 years, so most of us are very used to the presence of war. As a result, some may have the tendency to forget about the horrors that many face during these times. This is why it is important […]