By Sam bot on April 23, 2015
4th grader, activism, change, old soul, testing
Inspiration, Videos

VIA Collective-Evolution by Joe Martino The funny thing about testing in school is that all it truly does is show the understanding an individual has on a certain subject at a given time. Their understanding can change drastically in following months, yet the test score is typically all that matters. We then go on to judge […]
By Sam bot on April 21, 2015
activism, awareness, eco-friendly, street art, sustainability
Art + Design, Culture

VIA The Mind Unleashed True Activist | The catharsis that comes from awakening to the world’s happenings is often eclipsed by the realization of what we – as humans – have caused destruction-wise upon the Earth. In case you’re not aware, the global temperature has increased 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, the global average sea level has increased 7″ […]
By Sam bot on April 20, 2015
activism, corruption, police, police brutality

VIA Take Part Man in street in Ferguson, Missouri. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images) April 16, 2015 By Rebecca McCray Rebecca McCray is a TakePart staff writer covering criminal justice and legal issues. She is based in New York. full bio follow me Like many Americans, Sam Sinyangwe had a lot of unanswered questions after […]