By Sam bot on April 30, 2015
baltimore, corruption, equality, police brutality, police corruption, racism, rioting

VIA New York Times by Nicholas Kristof Conservatives have sometimes been too quick to excuse police violence. And liberals have sometimes been too quick to excuse rioter violence. It’s outrageous when officers use excessive force against young, unarmed African-American men, who are 21 times as likely to be shot dead by the police as young white […]
By Sam bot on April 20, 2015
activism, corruption, police, police brutality

VIA Take Part Man in street in Ferguson, Missouri. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images) April 16, 2015 By Rebecca McCray Rebecca McCray is a TakePart staff writer covering criminal justice and legal issues. She is based in New York. full bio follow me Like many Americans, Sam Sinyangwe had a lot of unanswered questions after […]
By Sam bot on April 16, 2015
corruption, michael slager, police brutality, sc shooting, walter scott

VIA IJ Review by Kyle Becker There are some recent developments about the shooting of Walter Scott by Officer Michael Slager on April 4th in North Charleston, South Carolina. Key findings from Conservative Treehouse’s closer examination of the now well-known cellphone video, along with a witness’ statement, may shed light on the circumstances leading up to and during the […]