By Sam bot on March 4, 2015
emotions, happiness, negative thoughts, positive energy, positivity
Health, Stories

VIA “” by Philip J. Watt Every single one of us is guilty of treating ourselves poorly at some point during our lives. Unfortunately, some of us are guilty of doing it for long periods of time. Common examples are continually frustrated, easily angered, forever unforgiving, always stressed, resentful towards others, constantly jealous, hateful in […]
By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
energy, hollistic, light, natural healing, positive energy
Health, Stories

VIA “” by Jocelyn Daher I was fifteen years old at my best friend’s house, she had her family over for dinner. I was munching unassumingly on a salad, when the older man sitting across the table looked at me and said, “ I can see people’s Auras.” Coming from your typical American family, I […]
By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
cuddling, health, love, positive energy, snuggle, synergy
Health, Stories

VIA “” by Eveline Every human being has experienced the strong desire to cuddle with someone at least once in their life. That need can be caused either by affection, feeling comfortable with somebody or by loneliness. It’s a fact that cuddling strengthens our relationships and it is something we can strongly miss when we […]