By Sam bot on April 23, 2015
change, inspire, movement, photography, pictures
Global, Inspiration

VIA Higher Perspectives It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but some pictures are far more powerful than others. The pictures featured below capture human condition and highlight some of the worst and best moments of mankind’s modern existence. Some of the pictures may fill you with happiness and joy, […]
By Sam bot on March 31, 2015
eyes, human complexity, life, natural beauty, photography

VIA “” Higher Perspectives Humans are extremely unique creatures. We are all quite similar, but each of us has defining characteristics that set us apart from the rest. Our eyes are a prime example this. The images below highlight the breathtaking complexity of human eyes.
By Sam bot on March 4, 2015
coincidential, dragon lizard, funny, nature, photography, spontaneous
Entertainment, Funny

VIA “” Forest dragon lizards aren’t exactly a rarity in Yogyakarta, Indonesia — but ones that play leaf guitar definitely are. Adtiya Permana, a professional photographer, insists that he didn’t manipulate the photo of the little green creature. He said: “I did not directly photograph the lizard at first, until the lizards feel comfortable around […]
By Sam bot on February 24, 2015
mini photoshoot, nature, photography, spotaneous nature, squirells, vadim trunov
Entertainment, Funny

VIA “” Vadim Trunov is a photographer who isn’t afraid to try something new. We have no idea how he managed to set these little guys up to look like they’re taking pictures of each other, but the result is absolutely adorable. This is probably the cutest squirrel photo session ever captured. You can find […]