By Sam bot on May 3, 2015
battery, carbon emissions, eco-friendly, energy effeciency, environment, ozone, sustainability
Environment, Science, Tech, Videos, Videos

VIA True Activist by Adam Dearstine The wait is over! Tesla announced a home battery and utility-scale battery that will power future homes. We had gotten rumor of this new battery back in February when Elon Musk discussed it during an earnings call, but no additional details were made available at that time. Tesla announced last […]
By Sam bot on April 29, 2015
deforestation, drones, eco-friendly, repopulation, trees
Environment, Tech, Videos, Videos

VIA True Activist by John Vibes A new company is hoping to reverse deforestation by using drones to plant trees. The company, BioCarbon Engineering, plans to disperse seedlings using drones, which could plant up to one billion trees per year. “We are going to counter industrial scale deforestation using industrial scale reforestation,” says Lauren Fletcher, […]
By Sam bot on April 29, 2015
eco-friendly, farming, homestead, self-sustainability, sustainability

(Mother Earth News) Expert advice on how to establish self-sufficient food production, including guidance on crop rotations, raising livestock and grazing management. Your 1-acre homestead can be divided into land for raising livestock and a garden for raising fruits, vegetables, plus some grain and forage crops. Illustration by: Dorling Kindersley Everyone will have a different approach to keeping a self-sufficient […]
By Sam bot on April 23, 2015
eco-friendly, habitat, pollution, waste
Environment, Inspiration

VIA Pulptastic “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This oft-quoted adage has become a bit of a cliché, but that doesn’t render it untrue. Indeed, this inspiring dutch guy has proven that having a can-do attitude can lead to massive transformations for the better. This is Tommy Kleyn, an artist from Rotterdam in The Netherlands. Facebook Every day, he […]
By Sam bot on April 21, 2015
activism, awareness, eco-friendly, street art, sustainability
Art + Design, Culture

VIA The Mind Unleashed True Activist | The catharsis that comes from awakening to the world’s happenings is often eclipsed by the realization of what we – as humans – have caused destruction-wise upon the Earth. In case you’re not aware, the global temperature has increased 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, the global average sea level has increased 7″ […]
By Sam bot on April 20, 2015
bees, eco-friendly, environment, water

VIA Educate Inspire Change Bees are very hard working little creature and are vital to our environment. They dramatically assist with our food supply so it’s very important we do what we can for them. Their work is exhausting and the need to keep hydrated, but the problem is that a safe water source is […]
By Sam bot on April 17, 2015
bios urn, eco-friendly, urn tree
Environment, Tech, Videos, Videos

VIA The Spirit Science by Kasim Khan Did you know that you can grow into a tree after you die? Bios Urn is a funerary urn made from biodegradable materials that will turn you into a tree after you die. Inside the urn there is a pine seed, which can be replaced by any other seed or plant, […]
By Sam bot on April 12, 2015
canada, creativity, eco-friendly, floating fortress, sustainability
Culture, Inspiration

VIA Collective-Evolution by Alanna Ketler In Canada, about half an hour by boat off the coast of Tofino, British Columbia, live Wayne Adams and Catherine King, proud owners and operators of Freedom Cove. Freedom Cove is an incredible off-grid float-home and garden constructed in a very colorful and artistic way. This amazing magenta and turquoise float […]
By Sam bot on April 4, 2015
eco-friendly, environment, modernization, sustainability, tristan island
Europe, Stories

VIA “” by Jordan Spirit Science There’s a small island in the middle of the atlantic ocean, completely desolate from everything except for lots of water. The Island, named Tristan da Cunha, was first inhabited back in the 1810′s as an outpost by the British to stop a potential escape by Napolean. When that didn’t […]
By Sam bot on March 10, 2015
coffee, eco-friendly, environment, nature, responsibility, responsible consumption, trees
Environment, Science, Stories, Tech

VIA “” California-based company Reduce.Reuse.Grow has just discovered a new way to recycle effectively, and it involves reusing one of the most commonly thrown away items out there. The company has succesfully created organic coffee cups that contain embedded seeds — allowing them to grow into trees. Each “coffee cup tree” can eliminate a ton […]