By Samuel Rudd on August 5, 2015
climate, climate change, environment, environment first, environmental responsibility, environmental sustainabiity, global warming, pollution
Environment, Middle East

VIA Pulptastic From United Still Contributor Samuel Rudd (Not associated or affiliated with Pulptastic): While Global Warming is certainly a controversial topic, it is hard to argue that the climate is changing. Probably more drastically in recent years. Whether or not you believe humans have had a negative effect on our climate, there is no […]
By Sam bot on June 3, 2015
agriculture, biology, environment, farming, nitrogen, pollution, science, sustainability
Environment, Science, Stories, U.S.

VIA NPR by Luke Runyon, Stephanie Paige Ogburn It’s May in Rocky Mountain National Park, but on a mountainside 10,829 feet above sea level, snow is falling. It’s pelting Jim Cheatham, a biologist with the National Park Service. Shrugging off the cold, Cheatham seizes a teachable moment. This snow, he says, holds more than just water. “Chances […]
By Sam bot on April 23, 2015
eco-friendly, habitat, pollution, waste
Environment, Inspiration

VIA Pulptastic “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This oft-quoted adage has become a bit of a cliché, but that doesn’t render it untrue. Indeed, this inspiring dutch guy has proven that having a can-do attitude can lead to massive transformations for the better. This is Tommy Kleyn, an artist from Rotterdam in The Netherlands. Facebook Every day, he […]
By Sam bot on April 8, 2015
global mass consumption, over population, pollution, sustainability
Environment, Global, Science

VIA Collective Evolution <—- by Jeff Roberts 7 billion people currently inhabit our planet. Each one of these 7 billion people require the basic necessities of life, such as water, food, clothing, and shelter. When we take into account all of the work and materials it takes to provide the population with just the basics – […]
By Sam bot on March 31, 2015
environment, pacific garbage patch, pacific gyre, pacific ocean, plastic, pollution
Environment, Science, Videos

VIA “” by Arjun Walia Collective Evolution North East of Hawaii, the ocean currents form a giant whirl pool of debris from around the Pacific, the scientific name is called the North Pacific Gyre. It’s one of the largest ecosystems on Earth, comprising of millions of square kilometres. Today it’s better known as “The Great […]
By Sam bot on March 17, 2015
air pollution, china, environment, pollution, smog
Asia, Environment, Global, Videos, Videos

VIA “” by Cole Mellino Waking Times The Chinese government banned the environmental documentary Under the Dome, which went viral upon release garnering 200 million views in the week after it was released on the Internet for free on Feb. 28. The film exposes the devastating impact China’s polluting industries have wreaked on the environment, bringing home […]
By Sam bot on March 4, 2015
coffee, environment, k-cup, kuerig, plastic waste, pollution
Culture, Stories, Videos

VIA “” by Liz Dwyer Kill the K-Cup before it kills our planet.” That was the key message about the nonrecyclable, nonbiodegradable coffee pods of a sci-fi-style clip released in January by Canadian-based video production outfit Egg Studios. The video’s infamous K-Cup monster and accompanying hashtag went viral across social media. Now it seems that John […]
By Sam bot on March 1, 2015
amazon, economy, environment, oil, pollution, poverty
Environment, Science, Videos

VIA “amazonwatch” youtube channel Can we have both or are they exclusive of one another?