By Sam bot on November 9, 2015
awareness, branding, fish, overfishing, sustainability
Economy, Environment, Stories, Stories

VIA UPWORTHY by Lori White What’s in a name? For fish, the stakes of a name are quite high. With a new name, a fish that was once never even considered edible by society becomes THE fish to eat. Sure it’s delicious … but what’s its NAME? Image via Evan Blaser/Flickr. Renamed fish can get […]
By Sam bot on November 4, 2015
civilization, ecology, environment, global elite, mayans, romans, sustainability
Environment, Global, Stories

VIA by Tom McKay Civilization was pretty great while it lasted, wasn’t it? Too bad it’s not going to for much longer. According to a new study sponsored by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, we only have a few decades left before everything we know and hold dear collapses. The report, written by applied […]
By Sam bot on October 27, 2015
alternative energy, bill gates, climate change, energy, private sector, public sector, solar energy, solar photovoltaic, wind energy
Environment, Global, Science, Stories, Videos

VIA The Atlantic by James Bennet In his offices overlooking Lake Washington, just east of Seattle, Bill Gates grabbed a legal pad recently and began covering it in his left-handed scrawl. He scribbled arrows by each margin of the pad, both pointing inward. The arrow near the left margin, he said, represented how governments worldwide […]
By Sam bot on October 20, 2015
environmentally friendly, highway, innovation, washington state, wildlife bridge
Environment, Stories

VIA by Danny Clemens The Washington State Department of Transportation today announced the state’s first wildlife bridge, which will be built over a stretch of I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass. According the I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition, which has been advocating for the construction of the wildlife bridge, 28,000 vehicles travel along I-90 each day. Such […]
By Sam bot on June 3, 2015
agriculture, biology, environment, farming, nitrogen, pollution, science, sustainability
Environment, Science, Stories, U.S.

VIA NPR by Luke Runyon, Stephanie Paige Ogburn It’s May in Rocky Mountain National Park, but on a mountainside 10,829 feet above sea level, snow is falling. It’s pelting Jim Cheatham, a biologist with the National Park Service. Shrugging off the cold, Cheatham seizes a teachable moment. This snow, he says, holds more than just water. “Chances […]
By Sam bot on April 28, 2015
fishing, fishing nets, marine life, ocean, trapped
Environment, Stories, Videos

VIA Take Part by Taylor Hill As we set off for our destination off the Southern California coast, Captain Rex Levi weaves Mr. Barker’s LegaSea, a 55-foot Chris Craft yacht, between the massive cargo ships plying Los Angeles Harbor. The dockworkers’ strike of the past winter is over but still reverberates at sea as the behemoths […]
By Sam bot on April 28, 2015
monsanto, mushroom, mycology, smart pesticides
Environment, Health, Science, Stories, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA Earth We Are One If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways. And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you […]
By Sam bot on April 21, 2015
apex predator, barbaric, caged animal, canned hunting, cruel, hunting, inhumane, lion
Culture, Environment, Sports, Stories, Stories

VIA The Guardian Lion body parts used as trophies from hunting will no longer be allowed to be imported or exported, environment minister Greg Hunt says. The Australian government is banning the import and export of hunting ‘trophies’ made from the body parts of lions, in an attempt to help curb the organised hunting of […]
By Sam bot on April 15, 2015
africa, asia, endangered, extinction, poaching, sudan, white rhino
Asia, Environment, Stories

VIA Powerful Primates by Jesse Herman As a species the rhino is at least 50 million years old, but if something is not done to curb the appetite for its horn, it may not last the century. The poaching trade in both rhino horn and ivory has moved to a new level and now operates in […]
By Sam bot on April 14, 2015
curiosity rover, mars, science, space
Science, Stories

VIA The Guardian New measurements from the Gale crater contradict theories that the planet is too cold for liquid water to exist, but Mars still considered hostile to life The Curiosity rover is currently ascending Mount Sharp, in the centre of the Gale crater. Illustration: Stocktrek Images, Inc./Alamy Hannah Devlin, science correspondent @hannahdev Monday 13 […]