
Domestic Economic Reporting’s for 2/2/15-2/8/15

Domestic Economic Reporting’s for 2/2/15-2/8/15

Domestic Economic Indicators 2/2/15-2/6/15 Monday 2/2 Personal Income and Personal Spending  Personal Spending fell 0.3% which miss expectations of a 0.2% decline  Personal Income rose 0.3% which was better than expected  For the full year personal income is up 2.5% which is the biggest increase since 2006 PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditure)  […]

Is a stock market crash looming? Not just yet…

Is a stock market crash looming? Not just yet…

On the state of domestic markets: The last week was a euphemism for the last month(6 months really) in equity investing, which has been filled with worry and questions. With the theme of overpriced equities holding true, many investors fear that the 7% pullback over the last month is the beginning of the end… that is, the end of an insolent […]