By Sam bot on March 3, 2015
creative, design, hideouts, interior design, nooks and crannies, secret rooms
Art + Design, Culture

VIA “” These non-descript doors lead to secret rooms that go beyond your imagination. Don’t you also wish you could have your own quiet place to relax? #1. This unassuming powder room opens up to a sauna. The perfect detox after a stressful week. imgur #2. This might seem like an ordinary hallway but the […]
By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
art, contemporary, creativity, interior design, modern, new age
Art + Design, Culture

VIA “” #1. Floating house, meet glass floor. source #2. Perfect reading cave. source #3. These blinds let you see a better view when closed. source #4. “Tree house” attic, probably an overprotective parent’s idea. source #5. Stairs that transform into an Autobot dresser. source #6. If your spouse always forgets to look at the time, build a giant […]