By Sam bot on January 18, 2016
art, beauty, blessings, intricacy, sand, sand paintings, spirituality, tibet, tibetan monks
Art + Design, Culture

VIA The Spirit Science by Kasim Khan Tibetan Buddhist monks have created sand mandalas for over 2,500 years, as it remains one of the religion’s most beautiful and symbolic traditions. Each mandala has a center point that is surrounded by a circle, a perfectly symmetrical design of specific meaning, and an accompaniment of various religious deities […]
By Sam bot on December 31, 2015
attraction, connectivity, happiness, joy, law of attraction, life, living, love, spirituality
Inspiration, Stories

VIA Spirit Science by Andrea S Yet again, another year passes and we all think (at least a little bit) about what the new year will bring. While losing weight, eating healthy, and quitting smoking are all fantastic resolutions to have, there is one thing that you could do that would make ALL of your […]
By Sam bot on December 28, 2015
healing, iboga, joe rogan, religion, shaman, spirit, spirituality
Culture, Stories, Videos

VIA Spirit Science by Kasim Khan Tabernanthe iboga or simply iboga is a small tree that is indigenous to central western Africa. In Gabon, this tree is used by the people there to understand Life itself. Its active chemical ‘Ibogaine’ is said by those who’ve used it to unlock a “ruthless inner voice of truth”. Likened to […]