
The Ever Classic Antoine Dodson News Piece

Please don’t be mistaken, the objectification of women is not something we support. We are against it 100%. Taking advantage of any women, or anyone for that matter, for any reason is very wrong. Thankfully though, this lady has the ever charismatic and courageous Antoine Dodson to protect her. We found the verbal response provided […]

27 Times Teachers Won At Life

27 Times Teachers Won At Life

VIA “” author not specified 1. Teaching can be a bit tedious at times. 2. And teachers might want to take a break from seeing their students and their paperwork (understandably). 3. So how about we celebrate those teachers who still find joy in their work? Like this creative-writing teacher who gave their […]

Staying in on a Friday night never felt so right (video)

Staying in on a Friday night never felt so right (video)

It’s Friday…. you aint got s@^* to do! It’s 5PM, you’re bracing to battle the commute home and the feeling hits you… all you want to do is properly spruce your bed-heaven and watch Netflix until death do you part. Damn. It’s one of those nights where no real plans have been made so spending the night at weak bar and waking […]