By Sam bot on March 5, 2015
bailout, debt, drachma, europe, european central bank, germany, greece
Europe, Politics, Stories, Videos

VIA “” by Leslie Shaffer Fears Greece may exit the euro and revive the drachma abound, but attempting a return to the currency Athens left behind would have tragic results, Goldman Sachs said. “Transitioning from the euro to a new national currency is no straightforward task either for Greece or for Europe,” Goldman said in […]
By Sam bot on March 2, 2015
beer, cheap living, europe, food, good life, south america, transportation, wine
Culture, Stories

VIA “” Admit it. You’ve wondered more than once… Is there a better life out there? You work your butt off every day, but just paying for the essentials becomes more difficult with every passing month. And what about your dreams? Will you be able to start your own business, send your children to college, […]
By Sam bot on February 21, 2015
anomaly, australia, beauty, china, europe, nature, nature photos
Environment, Global

VIA “” Our world is so full of wonders that new and amazing places are discovered every day, be that by professional photographers or amateurs. Different geographical locations, climatic conditions and even seasons offer the widest variety of natural wonders: pink lakes, stunning lavender or tulip fields, breath-taking canyons and mountains, and other places you […]
By Sam bot on February 16, 2015
debt, euro, europe, european union, eurozone, greece
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Hugo Dixon Greece desperately needs a quick fix. Time is running so short that a deal is needed in the next few days to stop Athens going bust. That will be, at best, a short-term patch-up while a long-term programme is worked out. Compromise is needed by both Greece’s radical new leftist […]