By Sam bot on March 8, 2015
change, equality, happiness, inspire, love, peace
Inspiration, Videos

VIA “” This powerful video shows that love has no labels. Couples, friends and families kiss, dance and hug one another behind a screen that allows for their visible differences to be cast aside and for us watching to only see the love they share. Love has no gender, no race, no disability and no […]
By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
autism, birthday, childhood, family, friends, inspiration, love
Inspiration, Stories

VIA “” Ashlee Buratti from St. Cloud, Florida, threw a birthday party for her son, Glenn, who has mild autism and epilepsy. They invited all 16 kids from his class, but none of them came. “From the minute he woke up that day he wanted to know how many minutes until his friends came,” Buratti, 25, said. When he learned that […]
By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
acceptance, birthmark, good parenting, love, tattoo
Culture, Stories

VIA “” by Sean Levinson Two British parents have gotten tattoos of the same red birthmark that covers their daughter’s body so she wouldn’t feel alone. The Mirror reports that 18-month-old Honey-Rae Phillips was born with a birthmark that has grown right along with her and now occupies nearly half of her entire right side. […]
By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
cuddling, health, love, positive energy, snuggle, synergy
Health, Stories

VIA “” by Eveline Every human being has experienced the strong desire to cuddle with someone at least once in their life. That need can be caused either by affection, feeling comfortable with somebody or by loneliness. It’s a fact that cuddling strengthens our relationships and it is something we can strongly miss when we […]
By Sam bot on February 17, 2015
70% checked out, corporations, life, love, money, passion
Culture, Health, Inspiration, Stories, Stories, Stories

VIA “” by Joe Martino We live in a society where we are very used to doing something we don’t enjoy for long periods of our life so we can put food on our tables, partially see the world, have material objects etc. and so forth. According to a recent Gallup Survey, 70% of employed […]
By Sam bot on February 9, 2015
awareness, children, compassion, education, love, poverty
Inspiration, Stories, U.S.

VIA “” by Alice Gomstyn About a decade ago, I stood in a high school English classroom, trying my best to give an exciting speech about my experiences as a young reporter. I worked for the local newspaper at the time and the school had invited me and a photographer to give the students a sense of […]