By Sam bot on March 26, 2015
dating, fulfillment, happiness, love, relationships
Culture, Health, Stories, Stories

VIA “” by Brandon Montgomery Elite Daily When I first turned 30, I knew I was entering a decade of high expectations. Sure, I knew it was a milestone age, and I had accomplished most of what I set out to do — except find love. I still dated while fielding the occasional questions from my […]
By Sam bot on March 19, 2015
awareness, peter joseph, society, truth, zeitgeist, zeitgeist addendum
Culture, Videos

Created and directed by Peter Joseph Zeitgeist Movie Both Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum do not necessarily reflect the collective views of the United Still team. We simply feel there is great value in offering alternative perspective: Although the similarities noted in the first “Zeitgeist” video concerning religion are not as specific, it is quite […]
By Sam bot on March 17, 2015
beauty, colby caillat, female empowerment, genuine, image, photoshop
Culture, Videos

VIA “” by Joe Martino Collective Evolution It’s become commonplace to see men and women in “near perfect” form on TV, in magazines and music videos, and even in our everyday lives. I say “near perfect” because our minds have been trained to think that certain looks are the “perfect” look – that being blemish-free and “done up” […]
By Sam bot on March 10, 2015
brain, creativity, health, music, nueroscience, passion
Culture, Music, Stories

VIA “” When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout. What’s going on? This video explains the fireworks that go off in musicians’ brains when they play, and examines some of the long-term positive […]
By Sam bot on March 10, 2015
art, creation, creativity, design, eco-friendly, ingenuity, swirl
Art + Design, Culture

VIA “” This is the “Swirl Faucet”, created by Simin Qiu, a student at London’s Royal College of Art. The faucet can be turned on or off at the touch of a button. The water moves through a mechanism which makes it come out of the faucet in a beautiful pattern. While aesthetically pleasing, the […]
By Sam bot on March 9, 2015
animal life, animal welfare, care, compassion, empathy, love

VIA “” by Jade Small What If Animals treated us how we treat them? These powerful cartoons of animal/human role reversal may make you cringe a little when you consider yourself in the same position. Would YOU like to be a rug on someones floor? How about a leather bag, after all, it is ‘fashion’ ? […]
By Sam bot on March 9, 2015
ancient, archaeology, discovery, history, pakistan, peru, vikings
Culture, Global, Science, Stories

VIA “” Sure, we’ve all read about the Pyramids and the Pharaoh’s tombs in egypt, but some of the most interesting archeological finds in history are seldom mentioned in history books. It’s doubtful that all archeology is as interesting as Indiana Jones or Robert Brown makes it seem. In fact, I’d venture a guess that […]
By Sam bot on March 6, 2015
aliens, canada, deathbed confession, extraterrestrial, prime minister, ufo
Culture, Videos

VIA “kenh364” and “Isaac Wilee” youtube channel
By Sam bot on March 6, 2015
awareness, fake food, health, mcdonalds, reality
Culture, Health, Videos, Videos

VIA “RT America” and “BuzzFeedYellow” youtube channel
By Sam bot on March 5, 2015
creativity, fire, inventive, survival, swedish torch
Culture, Environment, Videos

Inspired by article: Certainly some valuable knowledge. You never know when you’ll find yourself in a situation warranting the use of the Swedish Torch!