By Sam bot on February 26, 2015
cuddling, health, love, positive energy, snuggle, synergy
Health, Stories
VIA “” by Eveline Every human being has experienced the strong desire to cuddle with someone at least once in their life. That need can be caused either by affection, feeling comfortable with somebody or by loneliness. It’s a fact that cuddling strengthens our relationships and it is something we can strongly miss when we […]
By Sam bot on February 23, 2015
innovation, technology, vapor, warka water, water
Health, Science, Stories, Stories, Stories, Tech
“” by Jordan There are a flurry of amazing inventions coming into the fold lately, hoverbikes being among one of them.. but today I want to tell you about this really cool device that is making an impact in Ethiopia, and hopefully will soon make its way overseas to North America and the rest of […]
By Sam bot on February 18, 2015
affordable care, affordable care act, health care, health insurance, obama
Health, Stories, U.S.
VIA “” by Robert Pear WASHINGTON — President Obama said Tuesday that 11.4 million people had selected private health insurance plans or renewed their coverage under the Affordable Care Act in the enrollment period that ended Sunday. “It gives you some sense of how hungry people were out there for affordable, accessible health insurance,” Mr. […]
By Sam bot on February 17, 2015
70% checked out, corporations, life, love, money, passion
Culture, Health, Inspiration, Stories, Stories, Stories
VIA “” by Joe Martino We live in a society where we are very used to doing something we don’t enjoy for long periods of our life so we can put food on our tables, partially see the world, have material objects etc. and so forth. According to a recent Gallup Survey, 70% of employed […]
By Sam bot on February 10, 2015
acidity, alkaline, digestion, foods, health, pH
Health, Stories
VIA “” by Christopher Vasey Acidification in the body comes as a result of THREE primary things: 1. Eating too many acidifying foods which create an acid ash in your body. This is where proper diet comes in. By eating a diet of 80% alkalizing foods, you’ll eliminate the production of excess acid in your […]
By Sam bot on February 10, 2015
dehydration, diet, health, over-weight, water
Health, Stories
VIA “” by Author not specified Digestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, fatigue and headache are just some of the adverse effects from not drinking enough water. We need it as much as air we breathe in! It’s not a joke. Did you know that when you start feeling thirsty your body is already dehydrated? […]
By Sam bot on February 8, 2015
fat flush, fitness, recipe, water, weight loss
Health, Stories
VIA “” by Alanna Ketler You may have heard some of the hype about “Fat Flush Water.” But how exactly does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic diet supplement. Your body needs enough water everyday to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials. Fat deposits […]