By Sam bot on April 25, 2015
clean energy, green, sustainability, vancouver, zero waste
Environment, Inspiration

VIA Spirit Science and Metaphysics Thanks to FollowGreenLiving and Inhabitat| According to a recent announcement made at the ICLEI World Conference 2015 in Seoul, South Korea, Vancouver has pledged to run on 100 percent renewable energy. This applies not only for their electricity, but also for their heating, cooling, and housing as well. Bordered by the Coast […]
By Sam bot on March 31, 2015
artificial leaf, clean energy, environmentally friendly, nature, science
Science, Stories, Stories, Tech, Videos, Videos

VIA “” by Kirsten Renee Spirit Science In 2011, scientists reported that they created the “world’s first practical artificial leaf”. This leaf mimics real leaves by producing energy from water and sunlight. This idea was presented as a potential for inexpensive electricity for people who are in developing countries and remote areas of the world. […]
By Sam bot on March 27, 2015
clean energy, renewable energy, solar, solar cell, solar energy
Science, Tech, Videos, Videos

VIA “” Higher Perspective Researchers from Michigan State University have developed a transparent solar cell capable of being used as a replacement for windows! This concept was once deemed impossible, due to the fact traditional solar panels absorb light and convert it into energy. Transparent surfaces are not capable of absorbing light. Researchers accomplished this […]
By Sam bot on February 23, 2015
alternative, clean energy, environment, innovation, portland
Environment, Stories, Tech, U.S.

VIA “” by Colin Payne Portland residents can now generate green electricity simply by turning on their water taps and flushing their toilets. Fast Company reports that the Oregon city is using a state-of-the art system to capture energy from water flowing through the city’s pipelines. Small turbines installed inside the pipelines are turned by […]