By Sam bot on January 12, 2016
addiction, drugs, heroine, struggles, truth
Health, Stories, Videos

VIA UPWORTHY by Rajiv Narayan Folks have a lot of preconceptions about how people become addicted to hard substances. A lot of these notions are based on the media and the way drugs are portrayed on TV and in the movies. See the story below — how closely does it match your expectations of what drug […]
By Sam bot on March 29, 2015
corruption, drugs, flaking, nypd, police

VIA “” Counter Current News It’s not your imagination: the New York Police Department has been planing evidence and framing innocent people all in order to meet arrest quotes. This comes as an a former New York City narcotics detective, Stephen Anderson, testified in court that the NYPD routinely plants drugs on innocent people. He […]
By Sam bot on March 28, 2015
adhd, big pharma, danger, drugs, lies
Science, Stories, U.S.

VIA “” Simple Organic Life Dr. Bruce D. Perry is one of the world’s leading pediatric neuroscientists, and he’s making a claim that will rattle the pharmaceutical industry and parents. Perry recently stated publicly that Attention Deficit/Hyper-Activity Disorder isn’t a real disease and suggested that giving children psycho-stimulant medications to kids is dangerous. Perry told […]