By Sam bot on December 31, 2015
9/11, big pharma, corruption, drug industry, freedom, government, ISIS, islam, media, news, tpp

VIA The Anti Media by Carey Wedler In 2015, the iron fist of power clamped down on humanity, from warfare to terrorism (I repeat myself) to surveillance, police brutality, and corporate hegemony. The environment was repeatedly decimated, the health of citizens was constantly put at risk, and the justice system and media alike were perverted […]
By Sam bot on December 26, 2015
creativity, freedom, innovation, road trip, school bus
Art + Design, Culture

VIA PULPTASTIC Patrick Schmidt was unemployed and living in California when he decided to turn his life into one big road trip with the help of an old school bus (and his dad). Patrick, aka Skoolielove, bought this disused 1990s school bus for $4,500. Imgur He spent $9,000 and three months transforming the bus into a […]
By Sam bot on April 30, 2015
choices, freedom, fulfillment, happiness, life, passion, travel
Culture, Stories

VIA Cosmopolitan by Noelle Hancock There is a chicken in my shower. It’s 8:30 a.m., I’ve just sat down on the toilet to pee. I casually glance around and there it is, drinking some of the residual water puddled on my shower floor. This is not the first creature to make an appearance in my bathroom. […]
By Sam bot on March 4, 2015
clean living, earthship, financial freedom, freedom, sustainable living
Environment, Science, Stories, Stories, Tech

VIA “” by Steven Bancarz Article By Jordan Lejuwaan from HighExistence Earthships are 100% sustainable homes that are super affordable to build and fun to live in. But they are more than just a cool alternative living situation, they actually have the potential to change the world! 1) Sustainable does not mean primitive In this case, it means […]
By Sam bot on February 8, 2015
animal rescue, beagle freedom project, dogs, freedom
Inspiration, Videos

VIA “” by Jade Small The Beagle Freedom Project in on a mission to free dogs, specifically beagles, from laboratory testing. These nine rescued beagles from a lab in Nevada, are feeling grass on their paws and experiencing sunshine for the first time!