By Sam bot on May 4, 2015
avocado, d.i.y., organic

VIA Simple Organic Life Avocados are nutritious, delicious, and versatile in the kitchen. They’re also expensive and many of them come from California, a state experiencing a harsh drought. We certainly wish them the best for their crops and livelihoods, but you can also grow your own avocado trees at home. How? Step 1: Starting. […]
By Sam bot on April 17, 2015
food, health, organic, wellness
Environment, Health, Science, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA The Mind Unleashed This settles the debate over organic foods. Are organic foods really healthier than non-organic foods? Researchers from Newcastle University in England have reviewed and conducted meta-analysis on 343 peer-reviewed scientific studies in an effort to find out if organic foods contained greater nutritional value than conventional foods. The results will probably shock some, […]
By Sam bot on March 7, 2015
banana, fruit, health, medication, natural, organic, prescription
Health, Stories

VIA “” If you’re anything like me, you love eating bananas. It has been revealed that there are problems that bananas can fix better than pills. Bananas are that fruit that should be added to everyone’s diet. They are packed with healthy sugars and large amounts of fiber which means they provide instant energy. Despite […]
By Sam bot on March 2, 2015
chemicals, ecocide, gmo, health, monsanto, nueroscience, organic, roundup
Health, Inspiration, Stories, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA “” One of my most recent blog entries(1) summarized roughly 10 years of research related to the consequences of inflammatory processes in the periphery of the body, such as the gut, and how this was driving brain degenerative inflammatory processes within the brain. One of the key findings from that research was how pathogenic […]
By Sam bot on February 19, 2015
clean air, health, life, nature, organic, plant life, plants
Environment, Health

VIA “” Pop quiz: which is more polluted, indoor air or outdoor air? 10 times out of 10, indoor air in your house, office or apartment is going to be worse than the air outside. Indoor air pollution has been ranked among the top 5 greatest risks to public health by the EPA, and stagnant […]