By Sam bot on December 20, 2015
ancient philosophy, aristotle, consciousness, paradigm shift, philosophy, plato, socrates, thinkers, understanding, wisdom
Culture, Inspiration, Stories, Stories

VIA “” If I have learned something from Socrates is that you cannot teach people anything; you can only make them think. You can only draw out of them the wisdom which is latent within them. And by doing so, you help open their eyes, making them realize that they were born with wings and that they […]
By Sam bot on March 28, 2015
buddha, inspire, quotes, wisdom, words to live by
Culture, Health, Sports, Stories

VIA “” by Steven Bancarz Spirit Science and Metaphysics Between the 6th and 4th century BCE, a man named Siddhārtha Gautama began to turn heads in Eastern India with his profound spiritual wisdom. He was given the name “Buddha”, which literally means “The enlightened one”, and to this day we still receive tremendous insight from his […]
By Sam bot on February 28, 2015
judgement, philosophy, rumors, socrates, wisdom
Health, Stories

VIA “” by Jade Small In ancient Greece (469 – 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance, who ran up to him excitedly and said, “Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?” “Wait a moment,” Socrates replied. “Before […]
By Fabrizzio Silveira on February 14, 2014
18, list, motivation, success, teens, wisdom
Culture, Health, Inspiration

When you turn 18 you take your first breath of real freedom. You can officially do anything you want which includes watching Breaking Bad all day, getting a job, or backpacking through Europe. Whatever your plan is, most likely it isn’t strategically mapped out to maximize your development and success… which is normal. The truth is, whatever […]