By Sam bot on January 12, 2016
addiction, drugs, heroine, struggles, truth
Health, Stories, Videos

VIA UPWORTHY by Rajiv Narayan Folks have a lot of preconceptions about how people become addicted to hard substances. A lot of these notions are based on the media and the way drugs are portrayed on TV and in the movies. See the story below — how closely does it match your expectations of what drug […]
By Sam bot on April 28, 2015
alternative methods, cancer, chemotherapy, cure, holistic treatment
Health, Stories, Videos

VIA Collective-Evolution by Arjun Walia Chris Wark shares his short and powerful testimony of how he refused chemotherapy and survived stage 3 colon cancer. We often hear of alternative methods and treatments for cancer, but rarely are they used and implemented by individuals primarily due to the fear factor. Those diagnosed with cancer are heavily encouraged […]
By Sam bot on April 28, 2015
monsanto, mushroom, mycology, smart pesticides
Environment, Health, Science, Stories, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA Earth We Are One If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways. And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you […]
By Sam bot on April 17, 2015
food, health, organic, wellness
Environment, Health, Science, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA The Mind Unleashed This settles the debate over organic foods. Are organic foods really healthier than non-organic foods? Researchers from Newcastle University in England have reviewed and conducted meta-analysis on 343 peer-reviewed scientific studies in an effort to find out if organic foods contained greater nutritional value than conventional foods. The results will probably shock some, […]
By Sam bot on April 14, 2015
consciousness, dada gunamuktananda, fulfillment, happiness, universe
Health, Inspiration, Videos, Videos

Dada Gunamuktananda’s TEDx talk on the importance of consciousness as it relates to the betterment of the human being and our surroundings.
By Sam bot on March 31, 2015
brain activity, buddha, buddhism, happiness, meditation
Health, Science, Stories, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA “” Higher Perspective Meet the world’s happiest man, Mattieu Ricard. Ricard is a 66 year old Tibetan monk and geneticist, who has displayed unheard of brain gamma waves. These gamma waves are intertwined with attention, learning, memory, and consciousness. These unheard of gamma waves are what lead researchers to declare Mattieu as the world’s […]
By Sam bot on March 21, 2015
fries, health, mcdonalds, potatoes
Health, Videos

VIA “” Simple Organic Life When I was growing up, the McDonald’s french fry was the holy grail of fast food items. I remember a specific day when I was a preteen that my body could no longer tolerate eating them. And it’s no wonder! It turns out their french fries are junk! French fries […]
By Sam bot on March 6, 2015
awareness, fake food, health, mcdonalds, reality
Culture, Health, Videos, Videos

VIA “RT America” and “BuzzFeedYellow” youtube channel
By Sam bot on March 2, 2015
chemicals, ecocide, gmo, health, monsanto, nueroscience, organic, roundup
Health, Inspiration, Stories, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA “” One of my most recent blog entries(1) summarized roughly 10 years of research related to the consequences of inflammatory processes in the periphery of the body, such as the gut, and how this was driving brain degenerative inflammatory processes within the brain. One of the key findings from that research was how pathogenic […]
By Sam bot on March 1, 2015
beer, beverage, coca cola, coke, orange juice, soda, sugar, wine
Health, Videos

VIA “curiosity” youtube channel Simply to offer the scope of amount of sugar in a few common beverages. Not including the many common foods that also contain obscene amounts of sugar.