By Sam bot on October 22, 2015
airstrikes, approval ratings, putin, russia, syria, syrian conflict, vladimir putin
Asia, Europe, Politics, Stories, Stories

VIA NBC News by Alexey Eremenko Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approval rating has reached nearly 90 percent largely thanks to his military moves in Syria, according to a new nationwide poll published Thursday. <img class=”img-responsive img_inline” src=”” alt=”Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin” title=”Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin” itemprop=”image”/& Russian President Vladimir Putin PAVEL GOLOVKIN / Pool […]
By Sam bot on October 22, 2015
assad, hezbollah, obama, putin, russia, syria, syrian conflict
Middle East, Politics, Videos

VIA VOX youtube Channel The Syrian Conflict, which can no longer be called The Syrian Civil War, began in 2011 during Syria’s chapter of the Arab Spring. Unlike most of their neighbors though, Syrian rebels and dissidents have thus far been unsuccessful in ousting the ruling Assad regime. As a result of violence and warfare […]
By Sam bot on October 20, 2015
environmentally friendly, highway, innovation, washington state, wildlife bridge
Environment, Stories

VIA by Danny Clemens The Washington State Department of Transportation today announced the state’s first wildlife bridge, which will be built over a stretch of I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass. According the I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition, which has been advocating for the construction of the wildlife bridge, 28,000 vehicles travel along I-90 each day. Such […]
By Sam bot on October 20, 2015
emailgate, g.w., george bush, hillary clinton, iraq war, tony blair, warmongering
Politics, Stories

VIA by Sophia Tesfaye Leaked Colin Powell memo to G.W. reveals Blair always privately backed military action in Iraq despite public comments. The most risky aspect of Republicans’ dogged push to mire Hillary Clinton in scandal over her use of personal email while at the State Department is that the quest would eventually reveal information that […]
By Sam bot on June 3, 2015
agriculture, biology, environment, farming, nitrogen, pollution, science, sustainability
Environment, Science, Stories, U.S.

VIA NPR by Luke Runyon, Stephanie Paige Ogburn It’s May in Rocky Mountain National Park, but on a mountainside 10,829 feet above sea level, snow is falling. It’s pelting Jim Cheatham, a biologist with the National Park Service. Shrugging off the cold, Cheatham seizes a teachable moment. This snow, he says, holds more than just water. “Chances […]
By Sam bot on June 1, 2015
nsa, patriot act, rand paul, spying, surveillance, terrorism, usa freedom act
Politics, Stories

VIA The Verge by Russell Brandom Central portions of the Patriot Act are now expired, after a late-night Senate vote failed to extend the provisions. Those portions include Section 215, which applies to business records requests and has been used to justify the bulk collection of American phone and internet records. The previous Patriot Act authorization […]
By Sam bot on May 5, 2015
ancient past, controversy, graham hancock, history, question
Culture, Stories, Videos

VIA The Mind Unleashed Alex Pietrowski, Waking Times Author Graham Hancock is again shunned by mainstream thinkers for his compelling ideas… It’s interesting to watch what happens when an idea becomes so entrenched that people’s careers and fortunes become dependent on resisting change to it. Researcher and author of some of the most exciting and […]
By Sam bot on May 5, 2015
ben carson, controversy, democracy, neuroscience, political correctness, president 2016
Politics, Stories

VIA The Atlantic by Peter Beinart The presidential candidate’s remarks on homosexuality are more likely to help than hurt his political aspirations. You might think Ben Carson’s recent comments suggesting that prison turns people gay have hurt his presidential campaign. I don’t buy it. In fact, I suspect they’ll improve his chances. First, Carson’s supporters agree […]
By Sam bot on May 4, 2015
avocado, d.i.y., organic

VIA Simple Organic Life Avocados are nutritious, delicious, and versatile in the kitchen. They’re also expensive and many of them come from California, a state experiencing a harsh drought. We certainly wish them the best for their crops and livelihoods, but you can also grow your own avocado trees at home. How? Step 1: Starting. […]
By Sam bot on May 4, 2015
art, clay, improvisation, pottery wheel
Art + Design, Videos