The Swedish Torch

Inspired by article: Certainly some valuable knowledge. You never know when you’ll find yourself in a situation warranting the use of the Swedish Torch!
Anything related to all things earthly
Inspired by article: Certainly some valuable knowledge. You never know when you’ll find yourself in a situation warranting the use of the Swedish Torch!
VIA “” by Megan Kelly This is a part of a special Upworthy series about organic farming, made possible by Only Organic. Read more. Um … where did all the seeds go? Time travel back to 1905. Back in 1905, a book called “The Apples of New York” was published by the New York State […]
VIA “” by Steven Bancarz Article By Jordan Lejuwaan from HighExistence Earthships are 100% sustainable homes that are super affordable to build and fun to live in. But they are more than just a cool alternative living situation, they actually have the potential to change the world! 1) Sustainable does not mean primitive In this case, it means […]
VIA “” GREENVILLE, Maine— Scenic and ecologically significant lands on and around Baker Mountain in the 100-Mile Wilderness region near Greenville are now permanently protected following purchases by the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) in late January, with assistance from The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The purchases by the nation’s oldest conservation and recreation organization conserve the […]
VIA “amazonwatch” youtube channel Can we have both or are they exclusive of one another?
VIA “” by Planet Editor What if your daily commute was a central ingredient in creating cleaner air and renewable energy? For some Swiss drivers, that ‘what if’ is now a green, soupy reality.For the city of Geneva’s 2014 garden festival, Villes et Champs, The Cloud Collective built a system of transparent tubes on a […]
VIA “” by Dovas With this brilliant invention by Stuart and Cedar Anderson, a father-and-son beekeeper team in Australia, honey bees around the world can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Their Flow Hive invention allows beekeepers to harvest honey from their hives without disturbing the bees inside. The clever invention works by providing the […]
VIA “” by Colin Payne Portland residents can now generate green electricity simply by turning on their water taps and flushing their toilets. Fast Company reports that the Oregon city is using a state-of-the art system to capture energy from water flowing through the city’s pipelines. Small turbines installed inside the pipelines are turned by […]
VIA “” Our world is so full of wonders that new and amazing places are discovered every day, be that by professional photographers or amateurs. Different geographical locations, climatic conditions and even seasons offer the widest variety of natural wonders: pink lakes, stunning lavender or tulip fields, breath-taking canyons and mountains, and other places you […]
VIA “” Pop quiz: which is more polluted, indoor air or outdoor air? 10 times out of 10, indoor air in your house, office or apartment is going to be worse than the air outside. Indoor air pollution has been ranked among the top 5 greatest risks to public health by the EPA, and stagnant […]