By JSO II on February 13, 2014
market, stock, wall street
Economy, Wall Street

After a week of uncertainty the Dow Jones Industrial Average, an exhibition of the 30 strongest American outputs has made its way back to safe grounds. In not even a week since the deviant side of the market sunk 7%, it has taken back 650 points. This a blunt recovery from January; which saw further Fed tapering, lackluster US manufacturing […]
By JSO II on January 29, 2014
economy, money, powerful, trend, woman
Economy, U.S.

With Ben Bernanke’s chapter as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System officially closed, Janet Yellen has recently received the approval needed to be next of kin. Bernanke’s tenure, fueled by ultra-dovish policy and marred with the worst financial implosion since the 1930’s has had an ending long-awaited. With that said, we needed a bit more […]
By JSO II on December 20, 2013

In a article written today by Mr. Fottrell via, he points out the painfully obvious; that the interest rate hike via exit of Federal Reserve Policy is the one thing we know for certain will come from the prolonged tapering. Most importantly for Gen Y college students drowning in outrageous post-grad loan payments driven by a spike in rates […]