By Sam bot on November 9, 2015
awareness, branding, fish, overfishing, sustainability
Economy, Environment, Stories, Stories

VIA UPWORTHY by Lori White What’s in a name? For fish, the stakes of a name are quite high. With a new name, a fish that was once never even considered edible by society becomes THE fish to eat. Sure it’s delicious … but what’s its NAME? Image via Evan Blaser/Flickr. Renamed fish can get […]
By Sam bot on November 4, 2015
civilization, ecology, environment, global elite, mayans, romans, sustainability
Environment, Global, Stories

VIA by Tom McKay Civilization was pretty great while it lasted, wasn’t it? Too bad it’s not going to for much longer. According to a new study sponsored by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, we only have a few decades left before everything we know and hold dear collapses. The report, written by applied […]
By Sam bot on June 3, 2015
agriculture, biology, environment, farming, nitrogen, pollution, science, sustainability
Environment, Science, Stories, U.S.

VIA NPR by Luke Runyon, Stephanie Paige Ogburn It’s May in Rocky Mountain National Park, but on a mountainside 10,829 feet above sea level, snow is falling. It’s pelting Jim Cheatham, a biologist with the National Park Service. Shrugging off the cold, Cheatham seizes a teachable moment. This snow, he says, holds more than just water. “Chances […]
By Sam bot on May 3, 2015
battery, carbon emissions, eco-friendly, energy effeciency, environment, ozone, sustainability
Environment, Science, Tech, Videos, Videos

VIA True Activist by Adam Dearstine The wait is over! Tesla announced a home battery and utility-scale battery that will power future homes. We had gotten rumor of this new battery back in February when Elon Musk discussed it during an earnings call, but no additional details were made available at that time. Tesla announced last […]
By Sam bot on April 29, 2015
eco-friendly, farming, homestead, self-sustainability, sustainability

(Mother Earth News) Expert advice on how to establish self-sufficient food production, including guidance on crop rotations, raising livestock and grazing management. Your 1-acre homestead can be divided into land for raising livestock and a garden for raising fruits, vegetables, plus some grain and forage crops. Illustration by: Dorling Kindersley Everyone will have a different approach to keeping a self-sufficient […]
By Sam bot on April 25, 2015
clean energy, green, sustainability, vancouver, zero waste
Environment, Inspiration

VIA Spirit Science and Metaphysics Thanks to FollowGreenLiving and Inhabitat| According to a recent announcement made at the ICLEI World Conference 2015 in Seoul, South Korea, Vancouver has pledged to run on 100 percent renewable energy. This applies not only for their electricity, but also for their heating, cooling, and housing as well. Bordered by the Coast […]
By Sam bot on April 21, 2015
activism, awareness, eco-friendly, street art, sustainability
Art + Design, Culture

VIA The Mind Unleashed True Activist | The catharsis that comes from awakening to the world’s happenings is often eclipsed by the realization of what we – as humans – have caused destruction-wise upon the Earth. In case you’re not aware, the global temperature has increased 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, the global average sea level has increased 7″ […]
By Sam bot on April 12, 2015
canada, creativity, eco-friendly, floating fortress, sustainability
Culture, Inspiration

VIA Collective-Evolution by Alanna Ketler In Canada, about half an hour by boat off the coast of Tofino, British Columbia, live Wayne Adams and Catherine King, proud owners and operators of Freedom Cove. Freedom Cove is an incredible off-grid float-home and garden constructed in a very colorful and artistic way. This amazing magenta and turquoise float […]
By Sam bot on April 8, 2015
global mass consumption, over population, pollution, sustainability
Environment, Global, Science

VIA Collective Evolution <—- by Jeff Roberts 7 billion people currently inhabit our planet. Each one of these 7 billion people require the basic necessities of life, such as water, food, clothing, and shelter. When we take into account all of the work and materials it takes to provide the population with just the basics – […]
By Sam bot on April 6, 2015
3d printing, grass-roots, innovation, solar energy, solar power, sustainability
Asia, Global, Science, Stories, Stories, Tech

VIA “” The Mind Unleashed Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein, two young inventors based in the Philippines, are taking their passion for clean free energy and developing a way to make it accessible and cheap for everyone. These guys are working tirelessly to provide a product that could be used by practically anyone to make homemade solar […]