By JSO II on December 16, 2015
1984, america, america solution, american flag, american values, americas future, bernie sanders, bipartisan, change the world, change yourself, chris christie, conservative, debate, debt, donald trump, economy, george orwell, harmony, hillary clinton, immigration, inspiration, inspirational, inspire, ISIS, leadership, liberal, life, love, middle class, motivation, obama, our future, partisan, peace, political parties, politics, positive change, progressive, rand paul, revolution, revolutionary, tax reform, ted cruz, terrorism, unemployment, united states, united states of america, values, war, we the people

Follow @unitedstill *issues warning: this article doesn’t contain any nifty statistics or emotional manipulation and attempts to communicate with the American public by using common sense grounded in logical reasoning. Watching the first six months of the 2016 political election & debates unfold has been, among many other painful things… heartbreaking. As Americans, everyday we’re […]
By Sam bot on October 22, 2015
assad, hezbollah, obama, putin, russia, syria, syrian conflict
Middle East, Politics, Videos

VIA VOX youtube Channel The Syrian Conflict, which can no longer be called The Syrian Civil War, began in 2011 during Syria’s chapter of the Arab Spring. Unlike most of their neighbors though, Syrian rebels and dissidents have thus far been unsuccessful in ousting the ruling Assad regime. As a result of violence and warfare […]
By Samuel Rudd on August 5, 2015
barack, iran, iran nuclear deal, ISIS, middle east, nuclear weapons, obama, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction
Middle East, Politics, Stories

VIA NPR by Eyder Peralta Iran, the United States and five other world powers have reached a landmark agreement about the future of Iran’s nuclear programs. The agreement that emerged after years of diplomacy and a final, marathon negotiating session by top diplomats over the past three weeks in Vienna is complex and highly technical. We’ve […]
By Sam bot on April 22, 2015
bernie sanders, obama, tpp, trans-pacific partnership
Politics, Stories, Videos

VIA Huff Post by Zach Carter WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is filibustering President Barack Obama’s trade agenda — sort of. Early Wednesday, Sanders forced the Senate Finance Committee to abandon a legislative hearing on a bill that would grant Obama so-called fast-track authority on trade agreements. Sanders invoked an arcane procedural maneuver, objecting to […]
By Sam bot on April 15, 2015
iran deal, obama, politics, senate, veto
Global, Politics, Stories

VIA Real Clear Politics by Charles Lipson The Senate will soon vote whether to require President Barack Obama to submit the final Iran nuclear deal to Congress for approval. A bill requiring that approval, named after Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, passed his committee unanimously on Tuesday. It is certain to pass both chambers […]
By Sam bot on March 20, 2015
action, barack obama, obama, president, white house
Global, Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Victor Davis Hanson Real Clear Politics What has gone wrong with the U.S. government in the past month? Just about everything, from the fundamental to the ridiculous. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the United States to warn Congress about the dangers of a nuclear Iran. He spoke without the invitation of […]
By Sam bot on March 15, 2015
barack obama, criticism, giuliani, mccarthyism, obama, rudy giuliani
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Carl M. Cannon Real Clear Politics Two weeks ago, while speaking at a dinner in New York, Rudy Giuliani made news—in a negative way—by opining aloud about President Obama’s love of country. “I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani […]
By Sam bot on March 14, 2015
iran, iran deal, nuclear program, obama
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Fred Barnes Weekly Standard President Obama is headed for disaster in the nuclear deal with Iran. The nearly completed agreement, as best we know, would allow Iran to keep its nuclear infrastructure intact and its centrifuges churning out enriched uranium. The mullahs would be free to build an arsenal of nuclear weapons […]
By Sam bot on March 1, 2015
cia, corruption, jeffrey sterling, obama, whistleblower

VIA “ Jeffrey Sterling didn’t hurt anyone, yet he is facing up to 100 years behind bars for nothing more than being a whistleblower. President Barack Obama has repeatedly promised to protect whistleblowers from prosecution and punishment, even though he has used the Espionage Act more than all previous administrations. Those pledges apparently only apply […]
By Sam bot on February 24, 2015
congress, keystone, kxl bill, kxl pipeline, obama, president, veto
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Krishnadev Calamur The White House has notified the Senate that President Obama has, as promised, vetoed congressional legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project. “Through this bill, the United States Congress attempts to circumvent longstanding and proven processes for determining whether or not building and operating a cross-border pipeline serves the […]