By Sam bot on December 31, 2015
attraction, connectivity, happiness, joy, law of attraction, life, living, love, spirituality
Inspiration, Stories

VIA Spirit Science by Andrea S Yet again, another year passes and we all think (at least a little bit) about what the new year will bring. While losing weight, eating healthy, and quitting smoking are all fantastic resolutions to have, there is one thing that you could do that would make ALL of your […]
By JSO II on December 16, 2015
1984, america, america solution, american flag, american values, americas future, bernie sanders, bipartisan, change the world, change yourself, chris christie, conservative, debate, debt, donald trump, economy, george orwell, harmony, hillary clinton, immigration, inspiration, inspirational, inspire, ISIS, leadership, liberal, life, love, middle class, motivation, obama, our future, partisan, peace, political parties, politics, positive change, progressive, rand paul, revolution, revolutionary, tax reform, ted cruz, terrorism, unemployment, united states, united states of america, values, war, we the people

Follow @unitedstill *issues warning: this article doesn’t contain any nifty statistics or emotional manipulation and attempts to communicate with the American public by using common sense grounded in logical reasoning. Watching the first six months of the 2016 political election & debates unfold has been, among many other painful things… heartbreaking. As Americans, everyday we’re […]
By Sam bot on April 30, 2015
choices, freedom, fulfillment, happiness, life, passion, travel
Culture, Stories

VIA Cosmopolitan by Noelle Hancock There is a chicken in my shower. It’s 8:30 a.m., I’ve just sat down on the toilet to pee. I casually glance around and there it is, drinking some of the residual water puddled on my shower floor. This is not the first creature to make an appearance in my bathroom. […]
By Sam bot on April 25, 2015
enjoyment, happiness, life, travel
Culture, Health

VIA Higher Perspectives 1. Alicante, Spain Alicante is a city that has mastered the art of frugal living. They’ve done it without sacrificing any beauty or quality of living. It’s a beach city on Spain’s Costa Blanca and is famous for its wonderful climate, great food, stellar entertainment, relaxing lifestyle and lack of significant tourism. […]
By Sam bot on April 9, 2015
coma, life, martin pistorius, miracles
Inspiration, Stories

VIA Spirit Science and Metaphysics The story was originally featured on Life News| Martin Pistorious was just 12 years old when the doctors diagnosed him with what they believed was Cryptococci Meningitis, a sever fungal infection of the brain. This news completely devastated his parents. His conditioned worsened until he was in a vegetative state, unable to […]
By Sam bot on April 8, 2015
experiments, life, mythbusters, plants, science
Science, Videos

VIA “” by Steven Bancarz The Spirit Science Can plants actually have feelings? There is a lot they can sense that we are simply unaware of! Is it possible the vibrational frequency the plant’s consciousness exists on is higher than ours? The way in which plants communicate with one another is at a level that […]
By Sam bot on March 31, 2015
eyes, human complexity, life, natural beauty, photography

VIA “” Higher Perspectives Humans are extremely unique creatures. We are all quite similar, but each of us has defining characteristics that set us apart from the rest. Our eyes are a prime example this. The images below highlight the breathtaking complexity of human eyes.
By Sam bot on March 14, 2015
alan watts, compassion, life, love, passion, philosophy, purpose
Inspiration, Videos

VIA “” Educate Inspire Change Alan Watts was a man known for his wisdom and insight. The type to change the world positively. Here is a video of him explaining how to get it done and why. Rest In Peace Mr. Watts.
By Sam bot on March 7, 2015
carl sagan, earth, life, pale blue dot, perspective
Inspiration, Videos

VIA “Patrick Mylund Nielsen” youtube channel
By Sam bot on February 21, 2015
amazing, consciousness, discovery, hologram, illusion, life, mystery
Science, Stories

VIA “” by Josh Richardson The Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is completing a unique experiment called the Holometer which has recently started collecting data to answer some mind-bending questions about our universe–including whether we live in a hologram. Much like characters on a television show would not know that their seemingly 3-D […]