By Sam bot on December 26, 2015
creativity, freedom, innovation, road trip, school bus
Art + Design, Culture

VIA PULPTASTIC Patrick Schmidt was unemployed and living in California when he decided to turn his life into one big road trip with the help of an old school bus (and his dad). Patrick, aka Skoolielove, bought this disused 1990s school bus for $4,500. Imgur He spent $9,000 and three months transforming the bus into a […]
By Sam bot on October 20, 2015
environmentally friendly, highway, innovation, washington state, wildlife bridge
Environment, Stories

VIA by Danny Clemens The Washington State Department of Transportation today announced the state’s first wildlife bridge, which will be built over a stretch of I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass. According the I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition, which has been advocating for the construction of the wildlife bridge, 28,000 vehicles travel along I-90 each day. Such […]
By Sam bot on April 6, 2015
3d printing, grass-roots, innovation, solar energy, solar power, sustainability
Asia, Global, Science, Stories, Stories, Tech

VIA “” The Mind Unleashed Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein, two young inventors based in the Philippines, are taking their passion for clean free energy and developing a way to make it accessible and cheap for everyone. These guys are working tirelessly to provide a product that could be used by practically anyone to make homemade solar […]
By Sam bot on March 17, 2015
alternative energy, earths moon, energy, innovation, solar power
Economy, Stories, Stories, Tech

VIA “” The Mind Unleashed A Japanese company proposed an interesting idea on how to cover the energy needs of humanity by building a solar power station on… the Moon. One of the oldest and largest architectural and construction companies in Japan, the Shimizu, presented its vision for solving the energy problems of the world. The […]
By Sam bot on February 23, 2015
innovation, technology, vapor, warka water, water
Health, Science, Stories, Stories, Stories, Tech

“” by Jordan There are a flurry of amazing inventions coming into the fold lately, hoverbikes being among one of them.. but today I want to tell you about this really cool device that is making an impact in Ethiopia, and hopefully will soon make its way overseas to North America and the rest of […]
By Sam bot on February 23, 2015
alternative, clean energy, environment, innovation, portland
Environment, Stories, Tech, U.S.

VIA “” by Colin Payne Portland residents can now generate green electricity simply by turning on their water taps and flushing their toilets. Fast Company reports that the Oregon city is using a state-of-the art system to capture energy from water flowing through the city’s pipelines. Small turbines installed inside the pipelines are turned by […]