WARNING: POTENTIALLY SHOCKINGLY EXPLICIT. NOT FOR YOUNG ONES. If you can get past the intrusiveness, look deep, you will see the message and points. Maybe you don’t like rap, maybe your like my father and you really don’t like it. However, look past those ideas and watch :). Action Bronson-Easy Rider
VIA “funnyordie” youtube channel Lindsay Lohan showing her comedic side! She’s waiting for you if you are a match. You probably aren’t though, I don’t know that anyone would be. HA HA!
VIA “Bad Lip Reading” youtube channel WARNING: IMMATURITY ABOUND. A personal favorite of mine, you have to love this type of immensely creative humor! Simply glorious in my book.
Please don’t be mistaken, the objectification of women is not something we support. We are against it 100%. Taking advantage of any women, or anyone for that matter, for any reason is very wrong. Thankfully though, this lady has the ever charismatic and courageous Antoine Dodson to protect her. We found the verbal response provided […]
VIA “thespiritsscience.net” by Lexie This man is an incredible example of what we’d call a ‘cyborg’! He has successfully had a chip implanted in his brain that allows him to hear color. He can literally hear the frequency each hue of color lets off! There is a light sensor that picks up the color frequencies […]
VIA “pulptastic.com” author not specified 1. Teaching can be a bit tedious at times. imgur.com 2. And teachers might want to take a break from seeing their students and their paperwork (understandably). imgur.com 3. So how about we celebrate those teachers who still find joy in their work? Like this creative-writing teacher who gave their […]
VIA “uproxx.com” by Vince Mancini If you watched the Golden Globes last night (and I won’t judge you if you did), you might have seen a wolf-bearded Matthew McConaughey used as a frequent cutaway, and later become the subject of a pretty sweet JK Simmons joke (host Amy Poehler: “Or, as Matthew McConaughey calls him, […]
VIA “themindunleashed.com” author not specified Someone had a clever thought.. To put a phone inside a guitar and record what happens. You’ve got to see how awesome it looks