VIA Collective-Evolution by Arjun Walia
Chris Wark shares his short and powerful testimony of how he refused chemotherapy and survived stage 3 colon cancer. We often hear of alternative methods and treatments for cancer, but rarely are they used and implemented by individuals primarily due to the fear factor. Those diagnosed with cancer are heavily encouraged by doctors, family and peers to seek mainstream treatments like chemotherapy.
Although the cancer tumour was removed, it had already spread to his lymph-nodes. Identified infected ones were also taken out.
Email I received from Chris:
Surgery does not cure cancer, especially not stage 3. If it did, that’s all they would do. There would be no need for chemo and radiation. The medical industry has known that surgery does not cure cancer for at least 100 years. Cancer is a systemic metabolic disease, the result of a body that is nutrient deficient, overloaded with toxins, and has an overloaded or suppressed immune system. If the body is not given the essential nutrients it needs to repair, regenerate and detoxify, cancer will most assuredly come back after surgery. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, juices and smoothies is the most powerful way to promote the body’s ability to heal itself. All processed food must be eliminated. Animal products should be severely restricted or eliminated for a season until the cancer is gone. And it’s ok if some people don’t believe me. I know lots of survivors that have healed cancer without surgery, but skeptics won’t believe them either.
That’s the cliff notes.The rest is at www.chrisbeatcancer.com
Granted, cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry which would make it hard for one to market studies that go against traditional treatments like chemotherapy. There was a study published in August 2003 that revealed of adult cancer in the USA and Australia, the use of chemotherapy only provided a cure 2.1 % of the time. The study undertook a literature search for randomized clinical trials which saw a 5-year survival rate that was attributed solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy in adult malignancies. The data was taken from the cancer registry in Australia and from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data in the USA for 1998. As stated, the final results show that the overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. You can take a look at that here.
Alternative treatments can range from baking soda, cannabis, hemp oil and much more. There are a number of studies that prove the validity of alternative cancer treatments. Often, we receive comments on our articles concerning cancer from people who fail to research prior to commenting.
It has been shown that a plant based diet can prevent over 60% of chronic disease deaths.
The University of Alberta, Canada also recently discovered a cure for cancer. It’s called dichloroacetate, and it’s receiving zero attention from the medical industry due to its inability to generate a profit.
Good little clip here with lots of truth.