By Sam bot on April 18, 2015
desk job, health, sedentary

VIA The Mind Unleashed With the continuous progress of technology, we need to put less and less effort to get the things done. And it’s not only about jobs which are getting more and more computerized every day; it’s about our lifestyle in general. If in the recent past we had to wash […]
By Sam bot on April 17, 2015
food, health, organic, wellness
Environment, Health, Science, Stories, Videos, Videos

VIA The Mind Unleashed This settles the debate over organic foods. Are organic foods really healthier than non-organic foods? Researchers from Newcastle University in England have reviewed and conducted meta-analysis on 343 peer-reviewed scientific studies in an effort to find out if organic foods contained greater nutritional value than conventional foods. The results will probably shock some, […]
By Sam bot on April 12, 2015
health, naps, sleep

VIA Simple Organic Life I love a good nap, don’t you? It’s like taking a little time out of your day and just rebooting your brain. Aside from that, napping has far-reaching effects on your health. Shorter naps give you the best bang for your buck, ’ according to experts, but longer naps are good […]
By Sam bot on April 12, 2015
consumption, food, health, mental health, sugar

VIA Huff Post by Carolyn Gregoire We know that too much sugar is bad for our waistlines and our heart health, but now there’s mounting evidence that high levels of sugar consumption can also have a negative effect on brain health — from cognitive function to psychological wellbeing. While sugar is nothing to be too concerned […]
By Sam bot on April 9, 2015
diet, health, liver cleanse, superfoods
Culture, Health

VIA Collective-Evolution We live in a world where disease is constantly on the rise. This should come as no surprise as the environment we choose to surround ourselves with is extremely toxic i.e. our food, air, water etc. One great example is bleach, it’s one the most commonly used and relied upon cleaners in the […]
By Sam bot on April 7, 2015
health, microwave, nutrients, science
Culture, Health, Science, Sports

VIA “” by Mark DeNicola Collective Evolution They’re fast, convenient, and easy to use. Manufacturers even produce packaged foods specifically for their use. What I’m referring to are of course, microwave ovens, the household appliance that is still regularly used as a part of meal preparation and re-heating in approximately 90% of American homes. I say […]
By Sam bot on April 4, 2015
baltimore, business, clean water access, debt, health, public safety, water, wellness

VIA “” by Carl Gibson Think Progress Starting this week, 25,000 households in Baltimore will suddenly lose their access to water for owing bills of $250 or more, with very little notice given and no public hearings. Rita, a renter in Southeast Baltimore who asked to remain anonymous for this story in order to protect […]
By Sam bot on March 28, 2015
acceptance, advice, health, love, realtionships
Culture, Health, Stories, Stories

VIA “” The Mind Unleashed I’d had serious relationships before meeting my fiance, with a couple lasting for years. I thought I was an adult; I thought I knew how to be a great girlfriend. Meeting someone I had a serious connection with taught me that nothing I had experienced before was real. True love […]
By Sam bot on March 26, 2015
confucius, health, life quotes, mentality, philosophy
Health, Stories

VIA “” Higher Perspectives 1. “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.” Remember to follow the “Golden Rule!” 2. “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” Ignorance is the greatest cause of suffering. Enlightenment is our liberation. 3. “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. […]
By Sam bot on March 21, 2015
fries, health, mcdonalds, potatoes
Health, Videos

VIA “” Simple Organic Life When I was growing up, the McDonald’s french fry was the holy grail of fast food items. I remember a specific day when I was a preteen that my body could no longer tolerate eating them. And it’s no wonder! It turns out their french fries are junk! French fries […]