By Sam bot on April 30, 2015
baltimore, corruption, equality, police brutality, police corruption, racism, rioting

VIA New York Times by Nicholas Kristof Conservatives have sometimes been too quick to excuse police violence. And liberals have sometimes been too quick to excuse rioter violence. It’s outrageous when officers use excessive force against young, unarmed African-American men, who are 21 times as likely to be shot dead by the police as young white […]
By Sam bot on April 4, 2015
baltimore, business, clean water access, debt, health, public safety, water, wellness

VIA “” by Carl Gibson Think Progress Starting this week, 25,000 households in Baltimore will suddenly lose their access to water for owing bills of $250 or more, with very little notice given and no public hearings. Rita, a renter in Southeast Baltimore who asked to remain anonymous for this story in order to protect […]