
You’re Never Too Old To Start A New Venture

You’re Never Too Old To Start A New Venture

VIA “” Higher Perspectives March 31, 2015   We hear about 20-something business founders and CEOs that take our world by storm. Chances are, you were driven to this article by Facebook, founded by the then college student Mark Zuckerberg. But while some major business successes have come from the young, that doesn’t necessarily mean […]

18 things every 18 year-old needs to know

18 things every 18 year-old needs to know

  When you turn 18 you take your first breath of real freedom.  You can officially do anything you want which includes watching Breaking Bad all day, getting a job, or backpacking through Europe. Whatever your plan is, most likely it isn’t strategically mapped out to maximize your development and success… which is normal. The truth is, whatever […]