
Doctor: There is No Such Thing As ADHD

Doctor: There is No Such Thing As ADHD

VIA “simpleorganiclife.org” Simple Organic Life Dr. Bruce D. Perry is one of the world’s leading pediatric neuroscientists, and he’s making a claim that will rattle the pharmaceutical industry and parents. Perry recently stated publicly that Attention Deficit/Hyper-Activity Disorder isn’t a real disease and suggested that giving children psycho-stimulant medications to kids is dangerous. Perry told […]

DEA Had ‘Sex Parties’ with Prostitutes Hired by Drug Cartels

DEA Had ‘Sex Parties’ with Prostitutes Hired by Drug Cartels

VIA “Washingtonpost.com” by Sari Horowitz and Carol D. Leonnig Washington Post  Drug Enforcement Administration agents allegedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by local drug cartels overseas over a period of several years, according to a report released Thursday by the Justice Department’s watchdog.The report did not specify the country where the parties occurred, but […]

Former Presidents Warn of The Presence of a Ruling Shadow Govt In The US

Former Presidents Warn of The Presence of a Ruling Shadow Govt In The US

VIA “wakingtimes.org” by Ross Pitman Waking Times “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”– George Santayana Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing […]

The College Conspiracy

The College Conspiracy

A little food for thought. Why is a college education such an expensive undertaking? Is that simply the way it is supposed to be. We think knowledge and the attainment of higher education should be free, not something used as a business. Below is the documentary “The College Conspiracy”, created by the National Inflation Association, […]

The PETA Slaughter: Stop Your Donations!

The PETA Slaughter: Stop Your Donations!

VIA “huffingtonpost.com” by Nathan J. Winograd Huff Post Warning: Some of the following graphic photos may distress the reader. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that publicly claims to represent the best interest of animals — indeed their “ethical treatment.” Yet approximately 2,000 animals pass through PETA’s front door every […]

Giving Homes To The Homeless Is Cheaper Than Leaving Them On The Street. Here’s Proof.

Giving Homes To The Homeless Is Cheaper Than Leaving Them On The Street. Here’s Proof.

VIA “nationofchange.org” by Carl Gibson Nation of Change It is much more cost-effective to build public, low-income housing for the homeless than it is to leave them on the street. This was proven in Salt Lake City, Utah. The only thing we’re lacking is the political leadership willing to abolish homelessness for everyone, nationwide. Published: […]

Six Countries Who Rake In The Prison Profits

Six Countries Who Rake In The Prison Profits

VIA “attn.com” by Ashley Nicole Black ATTN There are currently 2.4 million people in American prisons. This number has grown by 500% in the past 30 years. While the United States has only 5% of the world’s population, it holds 25 percent of the world’s total prisoners. In 2012, one in every 108 adults was in prison or in jail, and one in 28 children in the […]

Embattled Ferguson Police Chief Resigns

Embattled Ferguson Police Chief Resigns

VIA “foxnews.com” Fox News The embattled chief of the Ferguson, Mo. police department has resigned, effective next week, as part of a “mutual separation” between him and the city, the Ferguson council said Wednesday. Tom Jackson’s resignation, which is effective next Thursday, is the latest leadership shakeup in the city following a scalding federal probe […]

Ferguson Cop Who Just Got Fired For Racist Emails Was Darren Wilson’s Supervisor

Ferguson Cop Who Just Got Fired For Racist Emails Was Darren Wilson’s Supervisor

VIA “counterculturenews.com” By now we’ve all seen the racist emails from the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. The Department of Justice report on the rampant abuses and racism emanating from the Ferguson PD noted a few of the most egregious examples of racism found in emails sent from officers in the FPD, including a “joke” about […]

Ohio City Said Goodbye To Their Police Department

Ohio City Said Goodbye To Their Police Department

VIA “countercurrentnews.com” The City of New Carlisle completely eliminated their police department several years ago. Many warned that crime would soar, but the exact opposite has happened. Since the city just outside of Dayton, Ohio canned their cops, they had been contracting with the sheriff’s department for any absolute emergency policing. But now they have […]