By Samuel Rudd on February 28, 2016
america, american society, Capitalism, future, government, millennial, opinion, politics, society
Culture, Economy

It’s been a largely debated topic in the 2016 presidential election. On one hand, we see amazing companies building phenomenal products we all use & love, the by-product of the American Dream… American Capitalism; production for profit, consumerism and the inherent right & freedom to have no limitations on your personal success or wealth. On the […]
By JSO II on December 16, 2015
1984, america, america solution, american flag, american values, americas future, bernie sanders, bipartisan, change the world, change yourself, chris christie, conservative, debate, debt, donald trump, economy, george orwell, harmony, hillary clinton, immigration, inspiration, inspirational, inspire, ISIS, leadership, liberal, life, love, middle class, motivation, obama, our future, partisan, peace, political parties, politics, positive change, progressive, rand paul, revolution, revolutionary, tax reform, ted cruz, terrorism, unemployment, united states, united states of america, values, war, we the people

Follow @unitedstill *issues warning: this article doesn’t contain any nifty statistics or emotional manipulation and attempts to communicate with the American public by using common sense grounded in logical reasoning. Watching the first six months of the 2016 political election & debates unfold has been, among many other painful things… heartbreaking. As Americans, everyday we’re […]
By Sam bot on December 4, 2015
fabrications, lies, media, news, politics, presidential race

Trump and others are proving it: we can’t handle the truth VIA Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi Donald Trump said this to supporters at an Alabama rally: “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as […]
By Sam bot on April 21, 2015
gil fulbright, humor, political satire, politics
Entertainment, Funny, Videos

VIA Represent. Us youtube channel Meet Gil Fulbright, the most honest politician in the running. He’s no better than the rest, but at least he admits it!
By Sam bot on April 15, 2015
iran deal, obama, politics, senate, veto
Global, Politics, Stories

VIA Real Clear Politics by Charles Lipson The Senate will soon vote whether to require President Barack Obama to submit the final Iran nuclear deal to Congress for approval. A bill requiring that approval, named after Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, passed his committee unanimously on Tuesday. It is certain to pass both chambers […]
By Sam bot on April 14, 2015
industry, nature, politics, preservation, public land

VIA Unofficial Networks In case you missed it, almost every Republican Senator just voted to sell our public lands — including National Forests, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas — to the highest bidder. This is just downright wrong. As Ronald Reagan once said, “The preservation of parks, wilderness, and wildlife has also aided liberty by keeping alive […]
By Sam bot on April 12, 2015
congress, costs, defective, filibuster, gerrymandering, politics
Politics, Stories

VIA Real Clear Politics by Michael Golden With tax day looming, Americans are once again questioning if they are getting their money’s worth from the most unpopular branch of government: the U.S. Congress. For most, the answer is no. It cost $4 billion last year to operate an institution that managed to spend another $3.5 trillion […]
By Sam bot on March 26, 2015
bill, healthcare, medicare, obamacare, politics
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Susan Cornwell Reuters (Reuters) – The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved a bill to permanently repair the formula for reimbursing Medicare physicians, marking a rare bipartisan achievement and sending the issue next to the Senate. The measure drafted and driven forward by Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Leader […]
By Sam bot on March 9, 2015
ancient rome, assassination, julius caesar, politics, reality, truth
Politics, Stories

VIA “”, New York Post, by Larry Getlen On Feb. 15, in the year 44 BC, Julius Caesar, the all-powerful ruler of Rome, visited a soothsayer named Spurinna, who “predicted the future by examining the internal organs of sacrificial animals,” among other omens. As per the ritual, Caesar “sacrificed a bull,” and Spurinna “made the […]
By Sam bot on March 5, 2015
behind-the-scenes, hillary clinton, personal email, politics, president 2016, secretary of state

VIA “” by Mark Hemingway In 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration abruptly stepped down from his post. According to a Foreign Policy report by Josh Rogin (now a reporter for Bloomberg), Gration was the subject of a whithering evaluation from the State Department: The impending release of a highly critical report by the […]