By Sam bot on December 22, 2015
love, nature, peace, puerto rico, russia, tanks, war, ww1, ww2
Environment, Inspiration

VIA PULPTASTIC Destructive tanks first rolled out onto the battlefields during World War I nearly a hundred years ago. A century on, some of them can still be found in those same combat zones, which are now peaceful meadows and serene beaches. Nature has swallowed these instruments of war, with hauntingly beautiful results. #1. Shumshu, Russia. u-96 #2. […]
By Sam bot on October 22, 2015
airstrikes, approval ratings, putin, russia, syria, syrian conflict, vladimir putin
Asia, Europe, Politics, Stories, Stories

VIA NBC News by Alexey Eremenko Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approval rating has reached nearly 90 percent largely thanks to his military moves in Syria, according to a new nationwide poll published Thursday. <img class=”img-responsive img_inline” src=”” alt=”Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin” title=”Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin” itemprop=”image”/& Russian President Vladimir Putin PAVEL GOLOVKIN / Pool […]
By Sam bot on October 22, 2015
assad, hezbollah, obama, putin, russia, syria, syrian conflict
Middle East, Politics, Videos

VIA VOX youtube Channel The Syrian Conflict, which can no longer be called The Syrian Civil War, began in 2011 during Syria’s chapter of the Arab Spring. Unlike most of their neighbors though, Syrian rebels and dissidents have thus far been unsuccessful in ousting the ruling Assad regime. As a result of violence and warfare […]
By Sam bot on April 16, 2015
climbers, daredevils, daring, illegal, kiev, ontheroofs, russia, shanghai tower
Entertainment, Videos

VIA On The Roofs by Vladim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov Check out the following footage of the On The Roofs crew scaling some very scary heights. Just watching will make your hair stand on end and bring out that inner fear of heights! What’s Up Hong Kong? Moscow Bridge in Kiev Shanghai Tower Novosibirsk Timelapse The […]
By Sam bot on March 14, 2015
coincidence, hilarious, micky mouse, robbery, russia, spongebob
Entertainment, Funny, Videos

Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to try and rob cartoon characters?
By Sam bot on March 8, 2015
ceasefire, eurasia group, kiev, putin, russia, ukraine
Politics, Stories

VIA “” by Ian Bremmer and Harry Kazianis <img style=’display:none’ border=0 width=0 height=0 src=’’&gt Editor’s Note: The below is an interview with Ian Bremmer. Mr. Bremmer serves as president of the Eurasia Group, a political-risk consultancy, and a Global Research Professor at New York University. He is the author of the popular book Every Nation […]
By Sam bot on March 7, 2015
assassination, boris nemtsov, kremlin, russia
Europe, Politics, Stories

VIA “” By Darya Korsunskaya and Katya Golubkova (Reuters) – Two suspects have been detained over the killing of Boris Nemtsov, Russian officials said, a week after he was shot dead near the Kremlin in the most high-profile killing of an opposition figure in years. The Investigative Committee, the state body leading the investigation, named […]
By Sam bot on March 2, 2015
bravery, dog, drowning, ice, inspire, river, russia, winter
Inspiration, Videos

VIA “Caters TV” youtube channel Found this via our per usual internet scouring. This is a man in Russia smashing through an icy river to save a drowning dog. We always make sure to get stuff like this up, for several important reasons. The spirit of our existence as we see it!
By Sam bot on February 28, 2015
assassination, boris nemtsov, moscow, putin, russia, russian opposition
Europe, Politics, Stories

Above: Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov VIA “” by Joshua Yaffa Just after midnight on Friday, Boris Nemtsov, a fifty-five-year-old Russian opposition politician, was gunned down as he walked across a bridge just outside the Kremlin walls. A car drove past, shots rang out, and Nemtsov was killed by four bullets to the back. His […]
By Sam bot on February 13, 2015
artillery, economy, hostility, independence, military, putin, russia, struggle, ukraine
Europe, Global, Politics, Stories, Stories

VIA “” by Andrew Higgins BRUSSELS — His country’s oil export revenues and currency have slumped. Its economy is shrinking, and some of his own allies in Moscow have questioned where he is leading them. Yet when President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia sat down Wednesday in the Belarussian capital of Minsk with the leaders […]