By Sam bot on December 31, 2015
9/11, big pharma, corruption, drug industry, freedom, government, ISIS, islam, media, news, tpp

VIA The Anti Media by Carey Wedler In 2015, the iron fist of power clamped down on humanity, from warfare to terrorism (I repeat myself) to surveillance, police brutality, and corporate hegemony. The environment was repeatedly decimated, the health of citizens was constantly put at risk, and the justice system and media alike were perverted […]
By Samuel Rudd on June 5, 2015
2016 presidential election, clinton 2016, controversy, corruption, emailgate, hillary clinton, potus, presidential election

In 2006 Hillary Flip Flops on Congo Relief act in favor of ultra-wealthy supporter. In 2006 Hillary cosponsored The Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act. The act posed a threat to Swedish mining investor Lukas Lundin, who shortly after in 2007 contributed some $100 million to The Clinton Foundation. When Hillary became Sec. […]
By Sam bot on April 30, 2015
baltimore, corruption, equality, police brutality, police corruption, racism, rioting

VIA New York Times by Nicholas Kristof Conservatives have sometimes been too quick to excuse police violence. And liberals have sometimes been too quick to excuse rioter violence. It’s outrageous when officers use excessive force against young, unarmed African-American men, who are 21 times as likely to be shot dead by the police as young white […]
By Sam bot on April 20, 2015
activism, corruption, police, police brutality

VIA Take Part Man in street in Ferguson, Missouri. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images) April 16, 2015 By Rebecca McCray Rebecca McCray is a TakePart staff writer covering criminal justice and legal issues. She is based in New York. full bio follow me Like many Americans, Sam Sinyangwe had a lot of unanswered questions after […]
By Sam bot on April 16, 2015
corruption, michael slager, police brutality, sc shooting, walter scott

VIA IJ Review by Kyle Becker There are some recent developments about the shooting of Walter Scott by Officer Michael Slager on April 4th in North Charleston, South Carolina. Key findings from Conservative Treehouse’s closer examination of the now well-known cellphone video, along with a witness’ statement, may shed light on the circumstances leading up to and during the […]
By Sam bot on March 29, 2015
corruption, drugs, flaking, nypd, police

VIA “” Counter Current News It’s not your imagination: the New York Police Department has been planing evidence and framing innocent people all in order to meet arrest quotes. This comes as an a former New York City narcotics detective, Stephen Anderson, testified in court that the NYPD routinely plants drugs on innocent people. He […]
By Sam bot on March 28, 2015
columbia, corruption, dea, prostitutes, sex party

VIA “” by Sari Horowitz and Carol D. Leonnig Washington Post Drug Enforcement Administration agents allegedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by local drug cartels overseas over a period of several years, according to a report released Thursday by the Justice Department’s watchdog.The report did not specify the country where the parties occurred, but […]
By Sam bot on March 1, 2015
cia, corruption, jeffrey sterling, obama, whistleblower

VIA “ Jeffrey Sterling didn’t hurt anyone, yet he is facing up to 100 years behind bars for nothing more than being a whistleblower. President Barack Obama has repeatedly promised to protect whistleblowers from prosecution and punishment, even though he has used the Espionage Act more than all previous administrations. Those pledges apparently only apply […]
By Fabrizzio Silveira on January 6, 2015
border patrol, corruption, jonathan trevino, police

VIA “” by Josh Eells: The temperature was nearing triple digits when Jonathan Treviño strapped on his bulletproof vest, slipped his .40-caliber Glock into his ankle holster and got ready to go to work. It was Thursday, July 26th, 2012, one of those summers in South Texas when the hot air settles on the Rio […]